Visual basic data type conversion
Visual basic data type conversion

visual basic data type conversion

expression should be numeric or something that can be cast to a number.Ĭdate(expression) casts expression to a date value. expression should be numeric or something that can be cast to a number.Ĭcur(expression) casts expression to a currency value. It does the conversion for you, so you could skip the 'raw' part and do something like this: Private Function compareValues (Of dtype) (row As DataRow, field As String) As Boolean Dim val1 As dtype row.Field (Of dtype) ('t1' + field) '. It works like Cdbl(), but must fall within the range represented by a single.Ĭbool(expression) casts expression to a Boolean value. As a rule, you should use the Visual Basic type conversion functions in preference tStarting with Visual Basic 15. expression should be numeric or something that can be cast to a number.Ĭsng(expression) casts expression to a single. expression should be numeric or something that can be cast to a number.Ĭdbl(expression) casts expression to a double. It must also be within the range that an integer can store.Ĭbyte(expression) casts expression to a byte value provided that expression falls between 0 and 255. If it is a Boolean value of True, it becomes a -1. If it is a string that looks like a number, it is turned into that number and then rounded if necessary. Implicit conversions happen when the change effected does not change the value of the variable and there is no loss of data. The Enumerable.OfType method can be used to enable non. The following are some examples: The Enumerable.AsEnumerable method can be used to hide a type's custom implementation of a standard query operator. Conversion operations in LINQ queries are useful in a variety of applications.

visual basic data type conversion

If expression is a floating-point value or a currency value, it is rounded. Conversion methods change the type of input objects. However, here is how you can cast things in VB:Ĭint(expression) casts expression to an integer. Then you have to take into account that strings in VB are NOT (well they are internally, but not in any helpful form to you) array's of type char. You don't have pointers, you don't have structs or unions. as long as you are aware of this.Seeing That VB Misses A HUGE number of things that C is able to accomplish. A BOOLEAN value is an integer value 1 or 0 and thus can be converted to/from any other numeric type of the language. Understand, that this will be the bloodiest, most brutal war in computer history.

Visual basic data type conversion